Steve and Marley Cuddled in a Tree

We just wanted to share an update with you. We adopted Steve (formerly Patong) and Marley (formerly Aiu) a few months ago. They were a couple scared little kitties when we first got them, and Steve sure missed his other foster home pals for a while. They very slowly started to come out of their shells and now they are almost normal kitties. They sure do not like change however, even having the slippers in the wrong place at home really confuses Steve. Marley is starting to really enjoy petting time and Steve is tolerating it, as long as there are treats involved.

They have decided our new couch is a great place to sleep, that or together in the scratching tree cuddled into a space they have outgrown. They each have their favorites toys, lately Marley has decided stealing hair ties is really fun, but Steve is still addicted to his green ball, even though it’s falling apart, he will not give it up.

We wanted to let you know how much we adore them, and even though they are not as cuddly as we would like just yet, it is still so much fun watching them playing hide and seek and various other games.

Keep up the great work!

Steve and Marley